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Islandspree Honeymoons - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
The Couple
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Jerome planned how he was going to ask me to marry him for months. That very morning before he proposed, I was getting ready for work, he gazed at me with a look of deep love in his eyes and said, “ I love you so much, babe". I replied, "I love you too", and he kept smiling, as he gave me my THREE kisses for "Past, present and future" before I headed off to work. 

I returned home from work, and I was greeted with a sign on the door that said, "Drop everything and turn your video camera on".  Upon opening the door, I saw the first penny we found on our first date attached to a piece of paper. Following a trail through the house up the stairs, I stumbled across several other sentimental items we’ve acquired throughout our journey together. My trail ended on top of the backyard patio roof where I was serenaded by the sounds of Ed Sheeran's, "Thinking out Loud". He held my hand and told me that I was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He proceeded to get down on one knee, with tears of joy and asked if I would spend the rest of my life with him. My future stepdaughters each held up a sign that read, "Marry us".